You will be surprised because they can not answer my question. They do not have a measure of success. They were not ready with all this. Maybe you've heard the phrase "If you do not know where to aim, how do you know if you're here?" Many people who do not implement this in daily business life.
For example, in a meeting. How many times have you attended a company meeting, without any expectation of success?
So, what I want to say? It's simple. For each task that you do:
• What is the purpose?
• What criteria for success?
Then you can assess whether you achieve goals and measure success (and if not, take steps to put it back on track).
Taking the situation to sell. Separate tasks into separate processes, first done is develop the existing entries with your prospects that directs them to the next stage, the sales process. This can be done with simple, like asking the prospect if they have time to talk with you.
21 Feb 2011
Working Smarter Instant manner

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